

University Institute of Legal Studies


Quotation for Raddi/Waste Paper

The University Institute of Legal Studies wants to dispose off its raddi.

Please send the quotations for the raddi of English, Hindi, Punjabi Newspaper, magazines and rough papers by 26/09/2018.

Click here to view: Quotation for Raddi/Waste Paper

  Dated: 17/09/2018
1. 04/11/2024Corrigendum for NIQ uploaded on 30.10.2024
2. 30/10/2024Quotation for Tentage
3. 30/10/2024Quotation for Degree Folders
4. 25/10/2024Food Quotation Notice : Refreshment, Lunch & Dinner included tentage
5. 13/09/2024Quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage)
6. 02/07/2024Inviting Quotation for the purchase of paper/material
7. 26/06/2024Quotations for Binding work
8. 20/05/2024Quotation for Raddi and Quotation Proforma
9. 20/05/2024Quotations for Binding work
10. 08/04/2024quotation for hosting Lunch
11. 30/01/2024QUOTATION FOR HOSTING REFRESHMENT AND LUNCH (including tentage)
12. 20/09/2023quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage 90x45 feet, full cover carpet, 10 Fan, 10 Round Tables, 80 Chairs and Generator)
13. 18/04/2023quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentages )
14. 20/03/2023QUOTATION FOR HOSTING REFRESHMENT AND LUNCH (including tentage)
15. 09/03/2023Quotation for binding
16. 09/03/2023Quotation for Raddi and Quotation Proforma
17. 01/03/2023QUOTATION FOR HOSTING REFRESHMENT AND LUNCH (including tentage)
18. 21/02/2023Quotation for Hosting Refreshment and Lunch (including tentage )
19. 10/01/2023quotation for hosting refreshment and Lunch
20. 09/12/2022Inviting Quotation for the purchase of paper/material
21. 15/11/2022 quotation for hosting refreshment and Lunch (including tentage )
22. 10/11/2022Inviting Quotation for the purchase of paper/material
23. 21/10/2022quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage )
24. 11/08/2022Quotation for hosting Refreshment and Lunch
25. 08/06/2022Quotation for Hosting Refreshment (including tentage)
26. 20/05/2022Quotation for hosting refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
27. 19/05/2022Quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage)
28. 27/04/2022Quotation for hosting Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
29. 30/03/2022quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage)
31. 23/06/2021Inviting quotation for the purchase of paper/material
32. 02/03/2021Quotation for binding of Library Documents
33. 02/03/2021Quotation for Raddi /Waste Paper
34. 01/03/2021Inviting Quotation for the purchase of paper/material
35. 21/08/2020Inviting Quotation for the purchase of paper/material
36. 23/06/2020 Quotation for Raddi /Waste Paper
37. 04/03/2020Quotation for hosting Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
38. 11/02/2020Quotation for binding of Library Documents
39. 06/02/2020Quotation for hosting Refreshment Lunch (including tentage)
40. 14/01/2020Quotation for hosting Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
41. 06/11/2019Quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage)
42. 30/10/2019Quotation for hosting Breakfast, Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
43. 24/10/2019Quotation for hosting Lunch (including tentage)
44. 24/09/2019Quotation for hosting Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
45. 17/09/2019Quotation for hosting Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
46. 13/09/2019Quotation for hosting Refreshment & Lunch (including tentage)
47. 09/07/2019NIQ for hosting Lunch
48. 22/04/2019Quotations for Binding work
49. 16/04/2019NIQ for hosting Lunch (Including Tentage with Pedestal Fans)
50. 26/03/2019NIQ for hosting Lunch and Refresment (Without tentage)
51. 20/03/2019NIQ for hosting Lunch and Refresment (including tentage).
52. 15/03/2019NIQ for hosting Lunch (including tentage).
53. 27/02/2019NIQ for supply of bags
54. 27/02/2019NIQ for hosting Lunch and Refresment (including tentage).
55. 12/02/2019 NIQ for Catering Service (including tentage).
56. 22/01/2019NIQ for Catering Service
57. 02/11/2018NIQ for hosting Lunch (including tentage).
58. 23/10/2018NIQ for Catering Service
59. 15/10/2018Inviting Quotations for Supply of Pre- Laminated Wooden Wall Paneling
60. 15/10/2018Inviting Quotations for the purchase of TIP UP CHAIR FOR SMART CLASS ROOM
61. 09/10/2018Inviting Quotations for the purchase of Conference System
62. 05/10/2018Inviting Quotation for the purchase of 65(Inch) 4K HDR android Smart LED TV
63. 28/09/2018Extension of date for receiving quotation for Purchase of 65(Inch) 4k HDR android Smart LED TV
64. 20/09/2018Quotation for hosting Lunch
65. 12/09/2018Inviting Quotation for the purchase of 65(Inch) 4K HDR android Smart LED TV
66. 31/08/2018Inviting Quotation for the purchase of furniture (Benches / Desks and Settee)
67. 30/07/2018Quotation for hosting Lunch and High Tea without tentage
68. 10/07/2018quotation for hosting Refreshment and Lunch
69. 05/07/2018Quotations for false ceiling and PVC Wall Paneling
70. 22/03/2018Quotation for hosting Breakfast, Lunch, High tea and Dinner including tentage.
71. 01/03/2018Quotation for hosting High Tea and Lunch including tentage.
72. 19/02/2018Quotation for binding of Library Documents
73. 25/01/2018Quotation for hosting Refreshment, Breakfast and Lunch including tentage
74. 26/10/2017Quotation for providing Refreshment and Lunch
75. 11/10/2017Quotation Notice for the purchase of LED Tv 43"
76. 20/09/2017Quotation for providing lunch for fresher party

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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